Aera Pipe Rack

Project Details

Location: Bakersfield, CA
Owner: Aera Energy LLC
GC: Aera Energy LLC
Engineer: Joshua Moody, S.E.
Architect: Technical Services
& Management
Days to Erect: 20

Project Narrative

Water Processing Plant on Central California Oil Field
ConXtech has an ideal solution for Pipe Rack and Processing structures. Safe and rapid to erect, ConXtech’s modular approach brings efficiencies in cost and materials. The brace free and structurally robust ConXR System made it possible to design for the worst case scenario, and then fabricate and erect the structure before the piping layout/design was finalized. Other modular pipe rack components designed and provided by ConXtech will be integrated into the structure as the project progresses.

ConX Solutions

The Owner’s Senior Project Manager estimates that utilizing the ConX System will save their company 1 year off of an otherwise 4 year schedule. Starting production in this oil field one year earlier makes the ROI measurable and significant.

Presentation at 2011 LCI Conference

Watch this video recording of a presentation from the 13th Annual Lean Construction Institute Congress 2011, in which an Aera project engineer explains (at 21:40 min mark) how using the prefabricated ConX System brought significant time and monetary savings to the owner.

Additional Video

VIDEO: See how the detailing, fabrication, and erection of a Water Treatment Plant was greatly simplified using the ConX Modular Pipe Rack solution.
Introduction to ConXtechModular Pipe Rack From Design to Construction

Photo Gallery

This project has a ConXR™ 200 chassis:

Lower & Locking™ Connection

ConXR 200 System Connection
ConXR 200

Height & Assembly Speed

  • 4 to 8 Stories, up to 12

  • 3 to 5,000 ft2 per day

Design Parameters

Column Size 200 mm (8″ HSS)
Beam Depth 12″ (variable weight)
Beam Spans 8′ to 20′