California Lutheran University Swenson Science Center Education

Project Data

square feet
days to erect
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA
Owner: California Lutheran University
GC: W.E. O’Neil
Engineer: Risha Engineering
Architect: Rasmussen and Associates
Steel Fabricator: ConXtech Manufacturing
Steel Erector: ConXtech
ConXtech Scope: Structural Steel, Decking

Project Narrative

The building is a three-story, 47,000 SF science laboratory building located near the center of campus. An enclosed bridge connects the Math and Sciences building to the second floor of the adjacent building to the north. Architectural features include glass enclosed, two story entry areas, glass enclosed feature stairs, and a building identification monument feature.

ConX Solutions

Conxtech’s Moment frame solution overcame strict vibration criteria for labs and sensitive equipment for many disciplines, including:
• Biomechanics, organic synthesis
• Physiology, neuroscience
• Marine biology
• Cell and developmental genetics
• Exercise physiology ergometry
• Nuclear magnetic resonance

This project has a ConXL 400 chassis:

Lower & Locking™ Connection

Height & Assembly Speed

  • 2 to 10 Stories

  • 10 to 15,000 ft2 per day

Design Parameters

Column Size 400 mm (16″ HSS or Box)
Beam Depth 18″ to 30″ for SMF, deeper for OMF
Beam Spans 18′ to 45’+